
"Kiss orderflow is great i combine the features and use it with a footprint chart to get better entries. the buy and sell signals on the ES 15 and 20 range chart are great most of the time these signals trigger in the early morning at perfect entry points to hold for roughly 1 hour. price normally reaches a minimum of 100ticks to a macimum of 160 ticks. for scalpers the nq contract is great to catch reversal scalps on the trapped trader bars combine with absorption and stacked imbalances. ”


"KISS Order Flow is awesome. It helps me define price action at key support and resistance levels!! Customer support is great!!”


"I have to thank you guys from Kiss. This is a must have tool! Was using volumetric bars for 3+ years and was always difficult on filtering out what was important info. Kiss had everything I was looking at in a light weight easy to use tool. Kiss you just elevated my trading to the next level. I've incorporated into a few of my strategies and it has not missed on entries for any of them. My favorite momentum stratagy has blown me away and elevated me to beyond my expectations. Thank you so much for making my best weapon in my arsenal!!”


"Just wanted to say I absolutely love your order flow package. Its truly amazing and so visually appealing. The zoom in and out function is so handy. Trade your bars like normal, or have a look under the hood. This is exactly what my trading has been missing. Conventional footprints are just way to much info for what a simple trader really needs! My only regret, that I never got it sooner. Well done! Customer for life.”


"Recently purchased Kiss order flow. For intraday traders i would strongly recommend.Even if you have your own trading strategy ,that could help you more accurately place orders in the market. And if the trade does not work you planed you can get out with minimal loss. Also worth to mention the customer service is outstanding.I have made few quires in relation to setting up the charts and every time received prompt replay with detailed explanation how to solve the issue.”


"I have just download the latest Beta Release. The Bulldozer and Trapped Traders feature is looking great ???. I can also see that you added the suggested Sound option at a signal -> Many Thanks !!! Definitely the best tool to view Orderflow in an understandable and very fast way. ”


"Great product! Yesterday, I was able to immediately profit from the information provided from within KISS! Thank you.”


"I bought your indicator last night and used it today. I scalped the MNQ using fewer contracts and had a higher win rate. I am impressed with how much faster I can decide if the volume is good for entry in a very fast market. Thank you for putting out quality ideas and code. I use it with Volume Profile and it's perfect.”


"Dear Jay Great work adding the S/R onto this Orderflow indicator as I trade POC's S/R a lot in Ninjatrader and your indicator compliments my setup !!!!”

Anonymous trader

"KISS is absolutely amazing in helping to understand price action and order flow. 6 years of experience taught me to use minimal number of indicators, but KISS is definitely in my arsenal. I use KISS on 20 range and 5 min charts in conjunction with higher timeframes and it works. Check out @realtraderemma on Twitter. She is brilliant and has combined great tutorials. Kudos! BUT, do your homework: backtest & forward test, journal, take pictures or patterns. You have to spend hundreds of hours studying and you'll succeed. Discipline, Motivation, Trading plan are huge in this business. Trading is process driven, so know your process & seek progress, not perfection. Thank you! ”


"KISS Order Flow is providing a highly powerful, yet simple trading edge! It is easy to use and shows a very clean picture of order-flow. Once you have it, you will never leave it out of your trading!”


"The key to this tool is in its simplicity. Traditionally footprint charts have been a bit convoluted and hard to follow. Great design makes for ease of use and very helpful support too! Thanks vm team :)”


"KISS order flow is amazing. In the past I would see an opportunity to get in but passed on the trade. Now with KISS, the delta can confirm in black and white if im right or wrong. Good stuff.”


"This @KISSOrderFlow indicator is wonderful for NQ! Just got it and I'm finding it very useful so far. I'll have to try it out for the ES as well.”


"This is the best order flow tool I've seen, pretty, clean and smart, I've been using it on my daily trading and it has improved my bar reading capabilities. It has pushed my trading edge further to really win as a futures day trader. The amazing team behind it will not let you down, as you can see they are providing great educational content daily on social media.”


"Thank you very much. I am loving it - very well done. Great job on the custom rendering performance as well.”


"You have a fantastic product, really clean look and easy to follow.”


"I love it... it is a game changer for me. I always used footprints but your indicator make reading the bars really easy and very telling! And the results are improving! Keep the good work up and thanks again!”


"The product really is great, far better than other 3rd party OF tools I've used for NT8.”


"Great tool guys. I just made the price 10 times back today. Better entry and better trailing stop. Do not need to look at my footprint anymore - THANKS!”


© 2024 KISS Order Flow. All Rights Reserved.

Financial Disclosure: Trading Futures, options on futures and retail off-exchange foreign currency transactions involves a substantial risk of loss and is not suitable for all investors. You should carefully consider whether trading is suitable for you in light of your circumstances, knowledge, and financial resources. You may lose all or more of your initial investment. The lower the day trade margin, the higher the leverage and riskier the trade. Leverage can work for you as well as against you; it magnifies gains as well as losses.

Hypothetical Performance Disclosure: Hypothetical performance results have many inherent limitations. No representation is being made that any account or indicator will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those shown. There are sharp differences between hypothetical performance results and the actual results achieved by any particular trading program or indicator. Hypothetical trading does not involve any financial risk, and no hypothetical trading results can account for the impact of the financial risk of actual live trading. One of the limitations of hypothetical performance results is that they are often prepared with the benefit of hindsight. There are numerous other factors related to the markets in general. Only risk capital should be used for trading and only those with sufficient risk capital should consider trading. An investor could potentially lose all or more than the initial investment. Risk capital is money that can be lost without jeopardizing ones’ financial security or lifestyle. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those shown on this website. Past performance of indicators or methodology is not necessarily indicative of future results.